The E-nizing Screen Motion Sensors provide accurate, real-time monitoring of mining vibrating screens.

E-nizing Motion Sensors automate mining inspection processes by using the latest IoT technology to monitor mining screen performance in real-time.

The E-nizing Motion Sensors provide the mining industry with deep, real-time insight into machine health. The Sensors measure vibrating screens to allow for prevention and early diagnosis of machine failure, leading to reduced ‘down-time’.
The Sensors are simple to install by attaching magnetically to the screen and are completely wireless. They communicate information to the E-nizing Gateway, which is then transmitted to a cloud-based server. The server platform then displays and analyses the screens’ data. This process allows for operators to view screen parameters from the protection of the control room.
The Sensors are powered by harvesting energy from the machine motion, allowing for operation with minimal maintenance. The sensors are also ruggedized for use in harsh mining environments.
Ingenuity worked closely with the E-nizing team to develop the E-nizing Motion Sensor and Gateway. The scope of work included electronics, embedded software and industrial design. Ingenuity also assisted E-nizing with the construction of prototypes and the execution of field trials.