Unleash yourself from the bench with the world’s smallest wireless multimeter, DSO, and logger.

Pokit Meter is a revolutionary tool in the measurement industry. Its incredibly small size means you can put it on a keychain or in your pocket for unprecedented portability.

Pokit Meter harnesses the power of your smartphone, transforming it into an awesome measurement tool. The Pokit App measures a wide range of parameters, including voltage, current, resistance and temperature. It also provides a continuity and diode checker. Pokit Meter is ideal for low voltage electronics, automotive applications, home automation, and much more.
Pokit Meter is a full-featured multimeter, with the app bringing a variety of measurement modes into one seamless display. The oscilloscope captures detailed voltage and current waveforms for real-time display, and functions as a spectrum analyser. Pokit Meter also functions as a stand-alone logger, which can log temperature, voltage, or current waveforms for periods up to six months, without connection to a phone. Other features include retractable leads, smart watch integration, a find-my-pokit function and a variety of colour options.
The Ingenuity Design team are the masterminds behind the Pokit Innovations brand, with Pokit Meter being the launch pad for future products. Pokit Meter was born from the idea to create the smallest measurement tool in the world, which proved to be a challenging process that engaged all aspects of our multi-disciplinary team. This is because we ventured into the unknown and dared to solve issues that have never been tackled before in the electronic measurement industry.